
This guide helps you integrate the elKYC SDK into your Android App and start the verification flow


  • Read passport data using a smartphone (NFC) or webcam;

  • Doc type identification (Machine Learning);

  • Parsing doc data (OCR);

  • Document authenticity control (data cross-check from visual zone, chip, MRZ);

  • Document ownership checks (Liveness detection, Facematch)

  • Video verification;

  • Electronic signature;

  • Database checks (AML);

  • Data input automation (into client’s software);

  • Web workplace;

  • On-premises (all data is processed on client’s side);

  • And much more

Component Libraries

  • ElkycCoreSDK is the main component that is used by other components. It contains common logic and steps for other components. Other components can't work without it.

  • ElkycDocumentSDK - This library focuses on all kinds of document scanning(Passport, Driver's Licence, Tax Number, etc) and RFID scan(ID Cards with NFC chip). But as well it can scan Credit Cards, Barcode, QRCode and capture Selfie with Document.

  • ElkycFaceSDK - This library is built for biometrical face verification. You can match faces, verify is person alive or not, get the selfie.

  • ElkycDIIA - This library provides step that helps to obtain document form the Дия

  • ElkycSignature - This library provides step where user can put down they signature

Last updated