Initial Setup

Create Allpass Account

In order for your application to communicate with elKYC (Allpass) you need to signup for an account in our workplace. You have to provide some information about yourself and a company

Create Web Application

During SignUp elKYC (Allpass) automatically creates mobile Demo application and provides some verifications (transactions) in order to test it.

If you want to test WebSDK you should add web platform to your Demo application in workplace

When you choose an application you can edit all this information and add/delete platforms


We use MUI theming, so you can easily customize the appearance of your application's components and maintain a consistent design throughout the app. By utilizing a theme, you can modify typography, colors, and other styles to match your brand and design guidelines.

Here's an example

  "typography": {
    "color": "#000000",
    "fontFamily": "Noto Sans",
    "fontStyle": "normal",
    "title": {
      "fontFamily": "KyivType Sans",
      "fontWeight": 700,
      "fontSize": "36px",
      "lineHeight": "43px",
      "textAlign": "center",
      "@media (max-width:899.95px)": {
        "fontSize": "28px",
        "lineHeight": "36px"
    "body": {
      "fontWeight": 400,
      "fontSize": "22px",
      "lineHeight": "27px",
      "textAlign": "center",
      "@media (max-width:899.95px)": {
        "fontSize": "18px",
        "lineHeight": "22px"
    "label1": {
      "fontWeight": 500,
      "fontSize": "24px",
      "lineHeight": "24px",
      "textAlign": "center"
    "label2": {
      "fontWeight": 500,
      "fontSize": "17px",
      "lineHeight": "24px",
      "textAlign": "center"
    "instruction": {
      "fontWeight": 400,
      "fontSize": "18px",
      "lineHeight": "22px",
      "textAlign": "start"
    "button": {
      "fontWeight": 500,
      "fontSize": "20px",
      "lineHeight": "22px",
      "letterSpacing": "0.3px",
      "textTransform": "none",
      "textAlign": "center"
  "palette": { "primary": { "main": "#5D3DD4" } }


We support a variety of different languages for the verification flow. If any language is missing and you want us to add it, please reach out to our customer support. Or you can create your own localization following next keys and easily add it to your verification process using the workplace:

  "common": {
    "btn_forward": "Next",
    "btn_redirect": "Proceed to the next step",
    "used_cookies": "This website uses cookies.",
    "cookie_policy": "elKYC Cookie Policy",
    "accept": "Accept"
  "intro": {
    "intro_title": "Start your <strong>verification</strong>",
    "intro_button": "Next",
    "intro_description": "The process will take a few minutes.",
    "intro_qr": "<uppercase>If you don't have a camera, or want to continue on your mobile phone, scan the QR code</uppercase>",
    "intro_btn_next": "Next"
  "biometry": {
    "biometry_title": "Face recognition",
    "biometry_description": "We received your documents.<br></br>Now, please get ready to pass the liveness check",
    "biometry_instruction_title": "Our liveness instruction",
    "biometry_instruction_point_1": "You can be seen clearly",
    "biometry_instruction_point_2": "Face not covered with hair",
    "biometry_instruction_point_3": "You are not wearing sunglasses",
    "biometry_button": "Next",
    "no_camera_title": "Looks like there's no camera available on your device",
    "no_camera_description_part_1": "To ensure a secure verification process, a camera is required. Unfortunately, your device doesn't have it.",
    "no_camera_description_part_2": "No worries, though! Simply scan the QR code displayed on your desktop screen using your mobile device's camera to proceed on your mobile phone."
  "diia": {
    "diia_scan": "Scan the QR code with the scanner in the Diia app and follow the instructions",
    "diia_qr": "The QR code is still valid",
    "diia_qr_alt": "QR code that leads to the Diia application"
  "documents": {
    "doc_title": "Submit documents for verification",
    "doc_description": "In order for you to continue your registration, we need to verify your identity.<br></br>Please choose a method convenient for you.",
    "doc_btn": "BUTTON",
    "doc_diia_btn": "Download documents from <b>Дії</b>",
    "doc_scan_btn": "Scan ID ",
    "doc_liveness_btn": "Pass liveness detection"
  "success": {
    "success": "You have successfully passed the verification!",
    "wait_for": "Expect the service to be available for you in the near future."
  "loader": {
    "wait_doc": "Wait for your documents to load",
    "wait_liveness": "Please wait while the liveness check is loading",
    "wait_liveness_process": "Please wait while we check your face",
    "wait_init_camera": "Please wait initialization your camera"
  "error": {
    "unexpected_error_title": "Oh! Something went wrong",
    "unexpected_error_description": "It's not your fault. Please try again",
    "liveness_attempts_exceeded_title": "Liveness check failed",
    "liveness_attempts_exceeded_description": "You've reached the maximum amount of attempts",
    "liveness_attempt_failed_title": "Liveness check failed",
    "liveness_attempt_failed_description": "Your attempt to pass the liveness check failed, please try to pass it again",
    "liveness_attempts_amount": "The number if attempts available",
    "try_again_button": "Try again",
    "facematch_failed_title": "Face check failed",
    "facematch_failed_description": "The face doesn't match with the photo from the document",
    "verification_inactive_title": "Verification is cancelled",
    "verification_inactive_description": "Verification has been cancelled, please contact your manager for a new verification link."
  "scan": {
    "scan_title": "Please, scan the document",
    "scan_description": "Please scan the document in order to proceed with registration",
    "scan_front_title": "Please, scan the main page of the document",
    "scan_front_description": "You have just scanned the back of the document. Now, please, provide the main page of the document",
    "scan_back_title": "Please, scan the back side of the document",
    "scan_back_description": "You have just scanned the main page of the document. Now, please, provide the back of the document",
    "scan_button": "Scan",
    "scan_qr": "If you don't have a camera or you just want to continue with the help of your mobile phone, please scan a QR code.",
    "scan_download": "Download from the photo library",
    "scan_camera_front_title": "Take a photo of a main side  of a document",
    "scan_camera_back_title": "Take a photo of a back side  of a document",
    "scan_photo": "Take a photo",
    "scan_preview_title": "Make sure that:",
    "scan_preview_instruction_point_1": "All the elements are clear",
    "scan_preview_instruction_point_2": "The entire document is in the frame",
    "scan_preview_instruction_point_3": "No light glare",
    "scan_preview_instruction_point_4": "The text is clearly seen",
    "scan_preview_button_retake": "Retake",
    "scan_preview_button_next": "Ready for next"
  "selectDoc": {
    "select_doc_title": "Select the type of document you wish to scan",
    "select_doc_description": "none",
    "select_doc_countries_label": "Select an issuing country of your document",
    "select_doc_countries_placeholder": "Country",
    "select_doc_license_label": "Select a document type",
    "select_doc_license_placeholder": "Document type",
    "select_doc_button": "Save and continue"
  "liveness": {
    "record_button": "Record",
    "result_close_button": "Close",
    "alert_close_button": "OK",
    "action_photo_button": "Take photo",
    "action_confirm_button": "Confirm",
    "action_repeat_button": "Repeat",
    "action_skip_button": "Skip",
    "action_camera_switch_button": "Switch camera",
    "analysis_in_progress": "Analyzing, please wait for result",
    "accessing_camera": "Accessing camera",
    "device_turn": "Please turn your device",
    "more_than_one_face": "Make sure there are no other faces",
    "number_of_attempts_exhausted": "Number of attempts exhausted",
    "sdk_name": "OzLivenessSDK",
    "result_state_processing": "Analysis in progress",
    "result_state_finished": "Analysis complete",
    "oz_action_hint_not_centered": "Align your face with the frame",
    "oz_action_hint_move_closer": "Closer",
    "oz_action_hint_move_away": "Move away",
    "oz_action_hint_move_even_closer": "Even closer",
    "oz_action_hint_move_even_away": "Even further",
    "oz_action_hint_look_straight": "Turn your face straight to the camera",
    "oz_action_hint_dont_smile": "Will ask you to smile later; don't smile now please",
    "oz_action_hint_dont_left_or_right_head": "Will ask you to turn head later; Look straight at the camera now please",
    "oz_action_hint_open_eyes_wide": "Open your eyes wide",
    "oz_action_hint_face_aligned": "Great, don't move the phone…",
    "oz_action_hint_remove_sunglasses": "Please, take off the sunglasses",
    "oz_action_hint_remove_mask": "Please, take off the mask",
    "oz_action_repeat": "Please repeat the action",
    "oz_action_title_photo_front": "Make a photo <br /> of document's <br /> front side",
    "oz_action_title_photo_back": "Make a photo <br /> of document's back side <br /> (for 2-sided documents only)",
    "oz_action_tutorial_button": "Instruction",
    "oz_action_photo_tutorial": "<p>Making photo of the document.</p><p>The passport or ID on the front and back pages along with information about the issuer and the date of issue should be fully visible in the image. A high_quality image is required, without glare.</p><ul class=\"ozliveness_tutorial\"><li data_icon=\"pages\">If the MRZ_field of the ID card is on the back side of the document, you need to make two images in front and behind.</li><li data_icon=\"angle\">Make sure you are photographing at right angles.</li><li data_icon=\"flash\">Do not use the flash. Try to use uniform lighting.</li><li data_icon=\"obstruction\">Make sure there are no foreign objects in front of the image.</li><li data_icon=\"blur\">Hold the camera steady so that the image does not appear blurry.</li><li data_icon=\"contrast\">Place the document on the contrast background (e.g. black table).</li><li data_icon=\"edges\">Make sure that borders of the document are in the frame (borders of the document shouldn't coincide with the frame's border).</li></ul>",
    "oz_action_smile_go": "Now smile",
    "oz_action_blink_go": "Now blink or close your eyes for a second",
    "oz_action_scan_go": "Follow this text",
    "oz_action_head_up_go": "Tilt up",
    "oz_action_head_down_go": "Slope down",
    "oz_action_head_right_go": "Turn your head right",
    "oz_action_head_left_go": "Turn your head left",
    "oz_action_look_at_screen": "Look at the screen",
    "oz_action_hint_too_dark": "Find better lighting conditions",
    "oz_action_hint_too_blurry": "The image is too blurry",
    "oz_action_hint_OK": "Great!",
    "oz_action_hint_OK_intermediate": "Great, don't move the phone…",
    "processing_data": "Processing data",
    "uploading_data": "Uploading data",
    "requesting_result": "Requesting results",
    "network_video_analyses_status_failed": "Analysis error",
    "oz_network_upload_status_processing": "Uploading video…",
    "oz_network_upload_status_done": "Video uploaded",
    "oz_network_upload_status_failed": "Upload error",
    "oz_network_upload_status_processing_image": "Uploading photo…",
    "oz_network_upload_status_done_image": "Photo uploaded",
    "oz_network_upload_status_failed_image": "Upload error",
    "oz_network_video_analyses_status_analyse_is": "Analysis ",
    "oz_network_video_analyses_status_analyse_is_processing": "Analysis is in progress",
    "oz_network_request_failed": "Request error",
    "oz_alert_dialog_fail_action_title": "Requested action is not detected",
    "oz_check_internet_connection": "No internet connection",
    "see_on_this_text": "Look at this text",
    "doc_upload_button": "Upload an image",
    "doc_button_separator": "– or –",
    "doc_capture_button": "Take a photo",
    "error_no_camera": "Error: Unable to access the camera.",
    "error_no_camera_ios": "Error: Unable to access the camera. <br/> Please use default browser (Safari).",
    "error_bad_camera": "Error: Unable to use the camera.",
    "error_slow_backend": "This browser doesn't support some important features. <br /><br /> For your convenience, please open this page in another browser.",
    "error_data_upload": "Upload error.",
    "error_result": "Result error.",
    "error_unknown": "Unknown error.",
    "error_upload_too_big": "Error: File size limit exceeded.",
    "error_upload_unknown": "Error: Unable to process the file."
  "face": {
    "Face_action_ok": "OK",
    "Face_action_im_ready": "I'M READY",
    "Face_action_try_again": "TRY AGAIN",
    "Face_action_continue": "CONTINUE",
    "Face_action_take_photo": "TAKE PHOTO",
    "Face_action_accept_photo": "ACCEPT",
    "Face_action_retake_photo": "RETAKE",
    "Face_action_confirm": "CONFIRM INFO",
    "Face_accessibility_cancel_button": "Cancel",
    "Face_accessibility_tap_guidance": "Double tap on the screen for face alignment guidance",
    "Face_accessibility_key_down_guidance": "Press Enter or Spacebar for face alignment guidance",
    "Face_accessibility_feedback_move_phone_away": "Camera Too Close",
    "Face_accessibility_feedback_move_phone_closer": "Camera Too Far Away",
    "Face_accessibility_feedback_face_too_far_left": "Face Too Far Left",
    "Face_accessibility_feedback_face_too_far_right": "Face Too Far Right",
    "Face_accessibility_feedback_face_too_low": "Face Too Low",
    "Face_accessibility_feedback_face_too_high": "Face Too High",
    "Face_accessibility_feedback_face_rotated_too_far_left": "Face Rotated Too Far Left",
    "Face_accessibility_feedback_face_rotated_too_far_right": "Face Rotated Too Far Right",
    "Face_accessibility_feedback_face_looking_too_far_left": "Face Pointing Too Far Left",
    "Face_accessibility_feedback_face_looking_too_far_right": "Face Pointing Too Far Right",
    "Face_accessibility_feedback_face_not_in_camera": "Face Not On Camera",
    "Face_accessibility_feedback_hold_phone_to_eye_level": "Hold Device At Eye Level",
    "Face_accessibility_feedback_move_away_web": "Camera Too Close",
    "Face_accessibility_feedback_move_closer_web": "Camera Too Far Away",
    "Face_accessibility_feedback_hold_to_eye_level_web": "Move Camera To Eye Level",
    "Face_presession_frame_your_face": "Frame Your Face In The Oval",
    "Face_presession_look_straight_ahead": "Look Straight Ahead",
    "Face_presession_hold_steady3": "Hold Steady for: 3",
    "Face_presession_hold_steady2": "Hold Steady for: 2",
    "Face_presession_hold_steady1": "Hold Steady for: 1",
    "Face_presession_eyes_straight_ahead": "Look Straight Ahead",
    "Face_presession_remove_dark_glasses": "Remove Dark Glasses",
    "Face_presession_neutral_expression": "Neutral Expression, No Smiling",
    "Face_presession_conditions_too_bright": "Conditions Too Bright",
    "Face_presession_brighten_your_environment": "Brighten Your Environment",
    "Face_feedback_center_face": "Center Your Face",
    "Face_feedback_face_not_found": "Frame Your Face",
    "Face_feedback_move_phone_away": "Move Away",
    "Face_feedback_move_away_web": "Move Away",
    "Face_feedback_move_phone_closer": "Move Closer",
    "Face_feedback_move_web_closer": "Move Face Closer & Fill Oval",
    "Face_feedback_move_web_even_closer": "Even Closer",
    "Face_feedback_move_phone_to_eye_level": "Move Phone To Eye Level",
    "Face_feedback_move_to_eye_level_web": "Look Straight Into Camera",
    "Face_feedback_face_not_looking_straight_ahead": "Look Straight Ahead",
    "Face_feedback_face_not_upright": "Hold Your Head Straight",
    "Face_feedback_face_not_upright_mobile": "Keep Head Straight",
    "Face_feedback_hold_steady": "Hold Steady",
    "Face_feedback_use_even_lighting": "Light Face More Evenly",
    "Face_instructions_header_ready_desktop": "Get Ready For Your Video Selfie",
    "Face_instructions_header_ready_1_mobile": "Get Ready For",
    "Face_instructions_header_ready_2_mobile": "Your Video Selfie",
    "Face_instructions_message_ready_desktop": "Frame Your Face in the Oval, Press I'm Ready & Move Closer",
    "Face_instructions_message_ready_1_mobile": "Frame Your Face in the Oval,",
    "Face_instructions_message_ready_2_mobile": "Press I'm Ready & Move Closer",
    "Face_retry_header": "Let's Try That Again",
    "Face_retry_subheader_message": "We Need a Clearer Video Selfie",
    "Face_retry_your_image_label": "Your Selfie",
    "Face_retry_ideal_image_label": "Ideal Pose",
    "Face_retry_instruction_message_1": "No Glare or Extreme Lighting",
    "Face_retry_instruction_message_2": "Neutral Expression, No Smiling",
    "Face_retry_instruction_message_3": "Too Blurry, Clean Camera",
    "Face_camera_feed_issue_header": "Issue Securing Camera Feed",
    "Face_camera_feed_issue_header_mobile": "Issue Securing<br/>Camera Feed",
    "Face_camera_feed_issue_subheader_message_mobile": "This App blocks suspicious webcam configurations.<br/><a href='' target='_blank' style='text-decoration:underline; pointer-events:all;'>Learn More Here</a>.",
    "Face_camera_feed_issue_subheader_message": "This system cannot be verified due to the following:",
    "Face_camera_feed_issue_table_header_1": "Possible Issue",
    "Face_camera_feed_issue_table_header_2": "Fix",
    "Face_camera_feed_issue_table_row_1_cell_1_firefox_permissions_error": "Camera permissions not remembered in Firefox.",
    "Face_camera_feed_issue_table_row_1_cell_2_firefox_permissions_error": "Check Remember Permissions.",
    "Face_camera_feed_issue_table_row_1_cell_1": "Camera already in use by another App.",
    "Face_camera_feed_issue_table_row_1_cell_2": "Close the other App.",
    "Face_camera_feed_issue_table_row_2_cell_1": "A 3rd-Party App is modifying the video.",
    "Face_camera_feed_issue_table_row_2_cell_2": "Close/Uninstall the other App.",
    "Face_camera_feed_issue_table_row_3_cell_1": "Hardware not capable of being secured.",
    "Face_camera_feed_issue_table_row_3_cell_2": "Use a different Device.",
    "Face_camera_feed_issue_subtable_message": "This App blocks suspicious webcam configurations. <a href='' target='_blank' style='text-decoration:underline; pointer-events:all;'>Learn More Here</a>.",
    "Face_camera_feed_issue_action": "TRY AGAIN ANYWAY",
    "Face_camera_feed_issue_action_firefox_permissions_error": "OK",
    "Face_camera_permission_header": "Enable Camera",
    "Face_camera_permission_message": "Camera permissions disabled.<br/>Please check your operating system and browser settings.",
    "Face_enter_fullscreen_header": "Full Screen Selfie Mode",
    "Face_enter_fullscreen_message": "Before we begin, please click the button below to open full screen mode.",
    "Face_enter_fullscreen_action": "OPEN FULL SCREEN",
    "Face_initializing_camera": "Securing Camera Feed",
    "Face_result_success_message": "Success!",
    "Face_result_facescan_upload_message": "Uploading<br/>Encrypted<br/>3D FaceScan"

The Verification flow automatically detects the language of the user's browser settings. If we support the language, the verification flow will be set to it. Otherwise the default language is English.

Last updated

elKYC - 2023