
This step compares the user’s face across multiple sources to verify their identity. It is crucial for preventing identity fraud and ensuring the integrity of the verification process.

  • Add Face Matching step into the flow canvas at the appropriate position in the flow.

  • Click on Face Matching to open its configuration options:

Source Selection

Choose minumum 2 sources for face matching, including the following:

Document Photo: Use the photo from the uploaded document.

Liveness Results: Use the captured image from the liveness check.

Selfie: Use a selfie taken by the user.

External Database: Use a photo from an external database.

Minimum Requirement: You must select at least two sources for face matching to ensure robust verification.

Auto-Approval: an Applicant is approved automatically, if face matching result is 85% or higher. Otherwise, the reviewer has to check the results and finish the verification process manually.

Last updated

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