Starting flow

To start your prepared flow all you should do is call a method on shared ElkycSDK.

ElkycSDK.shared.startFlow(appKey: Registration.appKey,
                                  clientKey: Registration.clientKey,
                                  clientSession: "test session", flow: flow,
                                  from: self)
  result in
	switch result {
	case .success(let response):
	case .failure(let error):
		print("ERROR: \(error.localizedDescription)")

This method take 5 parameters

  • appKey - application key, this key could be obtained at the portal

  • clientKey - client key, this key could be obtained at the portal

  • clientSession - Optional. This is unique identifier which you can use to identify your client session.

  • flow - flow variable, it should consist one or more steps

  • viewController - viewController from which flow will be presented

  • completion - completion handler, here you will receive error from any step or an array with FlowResult struct


FlowResult is a struct where you can find the answer from a step, the array of FlowResult's will be received in the end of the flow. An array should be ordered by steps order.

public struct FlowResult {
  public let id: String
  public let type: FlowResultType
  public let result: Any

  public init(id: String, type: FlowResultType, result: Any)
  public func resultObject<T>(type: T.Type) -> T?

The response result should be casted to a specific object. For that the type field have typeHint variable which can help cast result to a right object.

for result in results {
	switch result.type {
	case .selfieWithDoc:
		let object = result.resultObject(type: UIImage.self)
	case .innScan:
		let object = result.resultObject(type: InnDocumentScanResponse.self)
	case .captureScan:
		let object = result.resultObject(type: CaptureResponse.self)
	case .documentScan:
		let object = result.resultObject(type: DocumentResult.self)
	case .signature:
		let object = result.resultObject(type: UIImage.self)
	case .faceLiveness:
		let object = result.resultObject(type: FaceLiveness.Response.self)
	case .faceMatching:
		let object = result.resultObject(type: FaceMatching.Response.self)
	case .faceCapturing:
		let object = result.resultObject(type: UIImage.self)

If you want to add your specific result to a flow use this method on a ElkycSDK shared instance.

public func addFlowResult(_ flowResult: FlowResult)

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